Nowadays plastic surgery has become so professional that most of the times it is hard to tell if a person has had a plastic surgery or not, unless the procedure was done by unprofessional surgeons and it went completely wrong. It seems that this might be the case of Tara Reid plastic surgery. She is a well known American actress who has become more famous after people saw her in movies “American Pie” and “American Pie 2”.
There is a big chance that we wouldn’t have even known about Tara Reid plastic surgery if it would have gone as expected. Unfortunately, her surgery went completely wrong. It is obvious that she has had a breast augmentation surgery and liposuction. If we look at some of actress’s photos, we can see that her breast shape looks very unnatural and weird as well as her tummy – it has bumps and looks really strange. Also, all the speculations began when people have noticed scars on her breasts. Normally, there might be a little scarring after such procedure, but the scars are supposed to be hidden. In this case we can see that the woman in “before” photo looks much better than in the “after” one.
When Tara Reid was asked to comment on her plastic surgery, she hasn’t even tried to deny it. She said that she did have a breast augmentation and liposuction procedures, but she has made a big mistake choosing a right surgeon. Instead of finding a professional plastic surgeon, she has listened to friends recommendations. As we can see, this ended badly. After these surgeries Tara Reid had to get more procedures to fix the damage that has been done during first ones. This time she has chosen to go to professional plastic surgeons. They have managed to fix Tara’s body and now both her breasts and tummy look good again. Tara Reid plastic surgery is a perfect example which shows what happens when people choose to go to unknown and uncertified doctors.
All in all, we can say that Tara Reid plastic surgery was definitely a plastic surgery gone wrong. She is still a young woman and many people would agree that she didn’t even needed to get a plastic surgery in a first place. Of course, after a few more surgeries, the damage that has been previously done is now fixed, but some people think that Tara Reid still doesn’t look as good as she did before all the plastic surgeries.
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