I think it goes without saying that Halle Berry has great boobs. Some may even say that Halle has some of the best boobs in Hollywood! But, like most of the Hollywood population, Halle Berry isn’t all natural. The 43-year old actress got breast implants in the early 90′s, just as her career was starting to take off.
Halle’s breast augmentation surgery was successful in bringing her cup size up to a natural-looking full C-cup. Judging by the look of Halle’s implants, we are guessing that they are silicon and that she had a transaxillary breast augmentation. This is where an incision is made in the fold of the armpit in order to put the implants in, leaving the breasts scar-free. You can actually see Halle’s breast augmentation scar, when she raises her arm, if you know what you are looking for.
So what is the secret recipe for natural looking breast implants? The most important thing is to start with naturally good breasts that have enough breast tissue to properly disguise the implants. Silicon implants look and feel more like real breasts then saline implants and having the implants put in through the armpit (transaxillaral) or through the belly button (transumbilical) will leave the breasts free of tell-tale breast augmentation scars.
Now that the over-the-top 90′s are fading away, more natural looking breast augmentations are becoming more popular then the in your face Pamela Anderson style boob jobs, and Halle Berry is a perfect example of great, fake, but natural-looking breast implants!
In random Halle Berry facts, not related to her boobs, did you know that she dated a New Kid on the Block?! Halle and Danny Wood from NKOTB were an item in 1989. R-A-N-D-O-M odd couple, right?
Thanks for sharing. I think Halle Berry's BA result looks good on her. I'm glad that she is still sexy. How was her breast augmentation recovery ? Was it a fast recovery?
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