A 60 year old woman would have wrinkles, bags under the eyes and even overhanging skin over the eyes and the neck . Fortunately for singer -actress Bernadette Peters, she is rather looking very young.
Plastic surgeons claim that she actually had eyelid surgery or injection of restylane.
Bernadette Peters Fresh Eyes Due To Plastic Surgery! wrinkles restylane plastic surgery old woman eyelid surgery bernadette peters bags under the eyes actress bernadette.
Bernadette Peters Plastic Surgery Before and After Photos!
Why You Should Pray to St. Bernadette Peters.
As soon as I found that out, I took to the internet – determined to find out what plastic surgery she had undergone. I found the same thing over and over – doctors saying she must have done something but they couldn’t tell what that something was. Doctors also cited good genes, staying out of the sun, and not smoking helping Bernadette Peters to remain youthful.
Women will go through a lot of cockamamie rituals and surgeries to remain young and looking beautiful - Bernadette Peters is no exception. Where she is exceptional is that she still looks like Bernadette Peters.
Good healthy living and good genes. Bernadette is an example of the new 60!
I know quite a few women her age who don't have the typical aged look that we associate with women at 60 . As we learn to eat right, exercise and not smoke, you will see a generation of 60s baby boomers looking good with out surgery.
"At a recent book-signing event, Bernadette appeared with the same smooth, freckle-free skin and curly hair she has always had. The multiple Tony-award winning widow has only the faintest traces of crow’s feet and “creping” around her eyes. Bernadette doesn’t have an 11 stamped between her eyebrows or horizontal lines creasing her forehead. She has some parentheses around her mouth (aka nasolabial folds), but only when she smiles.
Most amazingly, her neck is incredibly taut and firm and doesn’t give away her age and she doesn’t have the beginnings of jowls around her jawline, the way many people her age do. Bernadette’s eyes are wide open and free from under-eye bags and overhanging skin over the eyes. Also, her cleavage is as ample and smooth as ever.
Bernadette is notorious for staying out of the sun to help preserve her perfect cream-colored complexion, which definitely helps ward off freckles and wrinkles. But even so, she looks so good that she must have had some plastic surgery, maybe a mini facelift to keep her lower face rejuvenated.
The wrinkle-free complexion may be explained by a combination of dermal injections and fillers like Botox and Restylane, as well as possibly laser treatments like CoolTouch, Active Fx, or Palomar’s Starluxe to keep her skin smooth. The eyes may have been subjected to a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), which would explain the lack of under-eye bags and excess skin on the lids.
Of course, this is all speculative. It was a plastic surgery job well done, if it was done at all, because we can’t detect a thing, leading us to believe that Bernadette must have gotten plastic surgery done gradually throughout the years to avoid any drastic changes in her appearance. But as importantly, she inherited some amazing genes with her Italian ancestry and keeps a lifestyle that is conducive to youthfulness.
Plastic surgeon Dr. John Di Saia can’t detect any particular work on Bernadette either. On his blog, Dr. John Di Saia says, “It is likely a bit of both. I’d bet she was not a big smoker and likely employed some good or better surgical talent.”
As she has always been busty, she probably wears a supportive bra regularly. Also, she has no children, which helps as pregnancy and breast-feeding cause changes and sagging in the bosom. She may or may not have also had a breast lift to keep her girls riding high.
Bernadette Peters looks fantastic for 60, or any age for that matter, and her youth assures her many more years on the stage or screen.
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