The eyelid surgery is extremely common here in Japan. I even now school girls who have had it done. Ayumi Hamasaki has definitely had a lot of work done.
Well many fans ask about this issue and Ayumi Hamasaki plastic surgery become the hot issue in this year. Actually, Ayumi’s younger pictures as a kid have been the number of choices on why fan thought she has had surgery. But the real revealing answer should be that most of her younger picture; she is happily smiling and like many people, when you’re having fun, your eyes would appear smaller when you smile.
Many people talk about her issue and there are many solution they have about Ayumi plastic surgery. Just for make it clearly, Ayumi’s eyes, small nose and powder lips, are not collagen added or plump, not botox, or surgery. It only reveal the fact that she has genetic inherited her facial structure from her family genes and because her Father wasn’t much in her life, Fans barely knew of Ayumi’s real ethnicity except for the fact that she is Japanese born in Japan.
Ayumi Hamasaki surgery has never admitted any kind of plastic surgery procedure, which is normal for celebrities even in the more obvious cases, but in order to keep a low profile and not to show their procedures, many stars get the surgeries before getting in to the public light and keep subtle anything else done after.
About Ayumi Hamasaki plastic surgery, she could have gotten the eyelid surgery to make her eyes look bigger and a subtle rhinoplasty to make it look smaller, especially at the tip, but probably at the beginning of her career.
Did Ayumi Have Plastic Surgery.
Ayumi Hamasaki’s plastic surgery questions are merely Fan made and fan base. But Rumors are rumors and it was clear that Ayumi did not have PLASTIC SURGERY. To date the only surgery which has been officially told by Ayumi and her staff is the operation she received on December 25th, in which she damaged and broken her hand by falling from a rather high place.
Since Ayumi has not said anything about plastic surgery to anyone , and it is found truthful on her daily schedule, we can for now, officially say that she has not had surgery. These question only come about because Hamasaki have beautiful LARGE EYES, Now and days completion of surgery for double eyelids can take as little as a day or less to complete the operation and 1-2 year healing process.
Ayumi barely have the time or efforts to put herself into such operation since the beginning of 1999-2009 ; she has proven her efficient Looks throughout the years, it’s also understandable about pictures which are just reassuring her different style but not the differences in her looks.
Most celebrity artist pictures have been enhanced by photo-shop but due to the fact that Ayumi looks the same in Music video, Fans question why she looks like a Fake Doll, too fake, that it almost make her look like a CARTOON. Still it doesn’t refer to surgery or any kind of reconstructing to Ayumi’s face facial so we can assume her eyes are a perfect matched as well as when she was a kid.
Ayumi’s Younger pictures as a kid has been the number of choices on why Fan thought she has had surgery. But the real revealing answer should be that most of her younger picture; she is happily smiling and like many people, when you're having fun, your eyes would appear smaller when you SMILE.
The fact that when Ayumi close her lips (her eyes become larger also due to looking at camera angles). Ayumi's influence on blonde-white hair comes from late European fashion, but a lot of Japanese Women has hence dye their hair to many color such as (blue, pink, green, etc) as well as other countries who does these influences, ( for example: American Women) ((Not Just this but make-up can contribute heavily to this situation as well, since many professional Japanese make-up artist can easy alter light make-up and enhance techniques to double Asian’s Eyelids but not in the case of Surgery.
Hamasaki wears a lot of make-up to cover or tone down her facial features. There can be a lot of tips or tricks used to show that she has natural LARGE EYES. It’s impossible since you can never add permanent hair into your EYELASHES but Ayumi uses a lot of artificial Eye -lashes/bottom -lashes.
Hamasaki Eyes are insightly HUGE brought to the main focal point of her picture, there are some tricks which can be influenced due to the Hair extensions and hair volume. Ayumi’s eyes, small nose and powder lips, are not collagen added or plump, not botox, or surgery. It only reveal the fact that she has genetic inherited her facial structure from her FAMILY genes and because her Father wasn’t much in her life, Fans barely knew of Ayumi’s real ethnicity except for the fact that she is Japanese born in Japan.
Ayumi Hamasaki Has Plastic Surgery Again?
Besides plastic surgery rumors, she is also accused of taking people's ideas. Her album cover for "L" is similar to the cover of Taiwanese star Barbie Hsu (Da S)'s book, which both shares the same concept of holding a mask. Even her sexy photo shoot for ViVi magazine is said of copying Lady GaGa's magazine cover.
Ayumi Hamasaki Plastic Surgery Photos.
Ayumi Hamasaki is a Japanese pop star quite popular in Asia. There are many rumors about her plastic surgery and if you look at her pictures you can understand why.
Ayumi is a beautiful woman and her facial features just keep her fans wondering if she got something done or not. We found some older pictures of her but we are not completely sure that it is actually her. The difference can be seen, her eyes, her cheek bones, her nose and jaw line look like she got something done.
Now, in more recent pictures she is usually wearing some heavy make up and it is really hard to compare these kind of pictures. Asian blepharoplasty, or double eyelid surgery is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures in East Asia. We can see, even in the older pictures, that she had a crease on her eyes, although her eyes used to look smaller in proportion with her other facial features in the oldest picture. She could have gotten the eyelid surgery to make her eyes look bigger and a subtle rhinoplasty to make it look smaller, specially at the tip, but probably at the beginning of her career.
If the 1995 picture is in fact Ayumi, there we have a more distinctive difference. Her jaw line is also more square giving her lower face a larger look, it could be that she got some chin and jawline enhancement to help her improve her look. This can be achieved with chin implants and liposuction.
She has never admitted any kind of plastic surgery procedure, which is normal for celebrities even in the more obvious cases, but in order to keep a low profile and not to show their procedures, many stars get the surgeries before getting in to the public light and keep subtle anything else done after. We think that Ayumi's look is not overdone and could be the result of a good make up artist, the best would be to have some recent pictures of her without make up to compare.
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