However, her career defining attributes look like they should really be credited to her plastic surgeon, as Aida’s chest size is almost surely the result of a very well done breast augmentation.
The size, shape (they’re too wide for her frame), hang, and shine of her breasts all indicated that she has implants, there’s no doubt about it. As a professional pretty girl, there’s really nothing wrong with her having had a little work done, and the surgeon did a great job, but if she’s going to keep going down the path of the reality star, we wouldn’t be surprised if she gets carried away eventually and ends up a disaster.
Is Former Miss Venezuela Aida Yespica Staying Sexy with Plastic Surgery?
29-year old Aida Yespica, Miss Venezuela 2002 relaxed on a Miami beach in a teeny tiny bikini that could barely cover her assets. With such a thin frame, Makemeheal.com suspects that her currently very full bust is the result she has gotten after breast augmentation.
In addition to breast implants from makers Mentor or Natrelle, Aidia may also have had a nose job, as her nose is perfectly straight and turns up just the right amount at the tip.
Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer says, “Former Miss Venezuela has an incredible figure. She may have had a breast augmentation enhancing her curvy figure. She has a perfectly shaped nose which she most likely had refined through a Rhinoplasty procedure. To keep her smooth complexion she probably uses Botox and dermal fillers.”
With such great plastic surgery, it’s easy to see why Aida remains popular nearly a decade after her reign as Miss Venezuela.
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